Inleiding tot swappen in PHP

In dit artikel zullen we leren hoe je getallen kunt verwisselen in PHP. We zullen leren hoe we swapping definiëren, we zullen leren hoe te coderen om twee getallen te wisselen, hoe meer dan twee getallen en drie getallen te wisselen en hoe getallen met of zonder tijdelijke variabelen en meer te wisselen.

Laten we eerst beginnen met de definitie.

"Ruilen in PHP is een term die wordt gedefinieerd als het uitwisselen van waarden."

Het omwisselen van twee getallen is een proces om twee waarden uit te wisselen met of zonder een tijdelijke variabele. Ik hoop dat deze voorbeelden nuttig zijn voor alle programmeurs die het concept van ruilen willen leren.

Hoe twee nummers in PHP te wisselen?

Er zijn twee manieren om nummers te wisselen. Deze getallen bevatten numerieke waarden.

  • Twee getallen omwisselen met een tijdelijke variabele.
  • Twee getallen verwisselen zonder een tijdelijke variabele.

Stel dat we één variabele hebben met een waarde 10,

nummer 1 = 10;

En de andere variabele met een waarde 20,

nummer 2 = 20;

Bij het omwisselen van deze twee nummers moet het resultaat zijn,

nummer1 = 20

nummer2 = 10

Dit is mogelijk met het gebruik van de derde tijdelijke variabele en ook zonder een tijdelijke variabele. Het omwisselen van twee nummers kan worden gedaan met behulp van +, -, *, / operatoren.

1. Twee nummers omwisselen met een tijdelijke variabele


// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;

Uitgang :

2. Twee nummers omwisselen zonder tijdelijke variabele


// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;


3. Wisselen van twee nummers met behulp van een functie zoals list () met array ()


// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;


Hoe drie nummers in PHP te wisselen?

Er zijn twee manieren om nummers te wisselen. Deze getallen bevatten numerieke waarden.

  • Ruil drie getallen met een tijdelijke variabele.
  • Drie getallen omwisselen zonder een tijdelijke variabele.

1. Drie nummers omwisselen met behulp van tijdelijke variabele

Nu we geleerd hebben om twee nummers te wisselen, leren we op een vergelijkbare manier nu om drie nummers te wisselen. Het volgende voorbeeld laat zien hoe een tijdelijke (tijdelijke) variabele wordt gebruikt om drie getallen te verwisselen.


// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;


2. Drie nummers omwisselen zonder tijdelijke variabele te gebruiken

De logica is hier om de totale som te berekenen en toe te wijzen aan een variabele van $ num1.

En toen,

bereken de waarde van $ num1, wijs deze waarde toe aan $ num2,

bereken de waarde van $ num2, wijs deze waarde toe aan $ num3,

bereken de waarde van $ num3 en wijs deze waarde opnieuw toe aan $ num1.


// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;



Ik hoop dat dit artikel nuttig is voor alle programmeurs die van nummer willen leren wisselen. Dit artikel heeft zowel swappings van twee als drie nummers met passende voorbeelden. Deze voorbeelden helpen u het concept te leren en zullen u ook helpen de logica te onthouden.

Aanbevolen artikelen

Dit is een handleiding voor swappen in PHP. Hier bespreken we hoe u twee of drie getallen kunt omwisselen met of zonder tijdelijke variabelen, samen met zijn voorbeelden. U kunt ook de volgende artikelen bekijken voor meer informatie-

  1. Sessies in PHP
  2. Patronen in PHP
  3. Cookie in PHP
  4. Overbelasting in PHP
  5. Overbelasting in Java
  6. Python overbelast